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CAT Bridge (Compounds And Transcripts Bridge) CAT Bridge is a comprehensive multi-omics integration and analysis tool, It stands out in its ability to identify gene-metabolite pairs with biological association by fusing transcriptomic and metabolomic data. This is accomplished through the combined use of causality modeling and artificial intelligence.
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Upload Your Transcriptome File

The transcriptome file should be a tsv/csv matrix of gene expression levels. You can download the example file for reference

Upload Your Metabolome File

The metabolome file should be a tsv/csv matrix of metabolite (compound) concentrations. You can download the example file for reference

Upload Your Annotation(optional) File

The annotation file (tsv/csv) is a functional annotation of genes. You can download the example file for reference

Upload Your Study Design (optional) File

The Study Design is the design of the experiment. You can download the example file for reference